my medium page is the thin thread.

Favour Ijeoma
1 min read2 days ago


on days like this when my anxiety stay lying to me, i turn to my blog page and rant. because truly, this is the only place that gets me.

this page is the thiny thread holding me from falling, really. this is where i cry, talk, gist, write, and laugh. in-fact, most things i do or things that happens to me gets notified here first. a lifetime best friend and soul mate. or yes!! maybe this page is my real soulmate.

i always say this and i will say it again, i dunno where i would be if i didn’t write.

for someone who is a sad person with happy moments, i kind of hate that my piece looks depressing less than promising. but i guess that’s the essence of being an artist. stamping your emotions somewhere, letting it dance around instead of hitting a gun, right? yes.

i love my medium page so much, i really dunno where i would be. and even if i’m somewhere, there’s no where i would rather be, than here.

just like it says on my bio, the hurtful, sad, abstract, inspiring, and actual writings, are all written, with love.


fay. 🍃

